NetNewsWire 5.0 for iOS: New Public TestFlight (Build 26)
First build of 2020!
If you haven’t signed up for testing, see this page for instructions.
Changes in this build:
- Feeds: filter button now at bottom-left, a la Mail
- Feeds, Timeline: progress indicator is now animated (smoother)
- Feeds, Timeline: says Updated Just Now instead of reporting seconds
- Timeline: how supports pull to refresh, includes progress indicator
- Timeline: filter button now at bottom-left, Mark All as Read now at top-right and is graphic instead of text
- Timeline: context menu now has Mark Above as Read and Mark Below as Read
- Timeline: fixed unneeded loading on return-from-suspend when there are duplicate feed names
- Timeline: delete command is now at the bottom of the context menu
- Article view: blockquotes are less narrow when the screen is narrow
- Article view: dealt with XKCD. When an image is zoomed, if it has a title, it will appear.
- Article view: swipe right-to-left to go the next article, swipe left-to-right to go the previous article (you can still swipe from the left edge to go back to the timeline)
- Article view: improved layout of code blocks in some feeds
- Sharing: fixed bug with OmniFocus and Things sharing — uses subject now, not just URL
- Feedbin syncing: fixed a bug where articles marked read could be marked as unread (an order-of-events issue, where pending status changes still needed syncing)
- Fixed bug where the app was displaying articles with a pubDate newer than 90 days, where it should be looking at the arrival date