NetNewsWire 5.0 for iOS: New Public TestFlight (Build 28)
If you haven’t signed up for testing, see this page for instructions.
Changes since the last build (about 10 days ago):
- Mark All as Read now displays a confirmation. You can turn this confirmation off in Settings: see “Confirm Mark All as Read.”
- Enhanced our dark icon detection: it now only considers non-clear pixels.
- Feedly: syncing now uses less bandwidth and is faster.
- Feedly: fixed bug with missing articles.
- Feedly: fixed a timing bug that could let read articles become unread.
- Feedly: adding a feed no longer requires that you have at least one folder.
- Feedly: fixed a mystery KVO crash by writing our own operation queue.
- Feeds: fixed bug in Dark Mode where a cell’s background color could be incorrect after drag-and-drop.
- Feeds: update the list when appropriate and filtered to show only unread.
- Feeds: fixed crash that could happen when renaming a Folder.
- Timeline: fixed back swipe animation so it won’t show the navbar under the articles list.
- Timeline: you can now clear read articles by doing a refresh — if you turn on this feature in NetNewsWire settings. (It’s off by default.) See “Refresh to Clear Read Articles.”
- Timeline: exit search mode if Go to Feed is chosen.
- Timeline: make it possible to get the keyboard out of the way when searching so you can select the last results in the list.
- Article view: preformatted and code blocks now scale with Dynamic Type.
- Article view: code blocks no longer allow auto-hyphenation.
- Article view: now handles universal links, so sometimes a link might open in another app on your device.
- Article view: fixed bug where Reader icon wouldn’t animate on initial article view for feeds that are set to always use the Reader view.
- Article view: fixed bug with “Always show Reader view” where it wouldn’t fall back to article view on failure.
- Article view: fixed bug on iPad where the app could become unresponsive after rotating while an image is zoomed and the image is dismissed.
- Article view: fixed bug where scrolling might scroll more than the visible view.
- Article view: blockquotes now have a leading left border, to make them easier to see.
- Article view: Feedbin tweet articles now include a separator between tweets and inlined articles.
- Article view: Feedbin tweet articles with a video no longer show the videos as very small.
- Article view: it now reloads fully on Dynamic Type changes.
- Article view: fixed bug where sometimes the article view wouldn’t support Dynamic Type.
- Article view: YouTube videos no longer obscure Newsfoot footnotes.
- Article view: fixed bug where the web view could get confused. We just swap in a new web view periodically.
- Article view: date/time is now always the permalink.
- Feed info: tapping home page URL now opens home page in web view.
- Sharing: fixed bug where sharing to OmniFocus would add an extra line break to the title.
- Multiwindow support: fixed some layout issues.
- Alerts with a button called “Dismiss” now use “OK” instead.
- Progress view now updates with Dynamic Type changes.